There is a 30+ year connection between the Souderton area and the Haitian village of Cotes de Fer. When the earthquake struck Haiti in early January, 27 members of the Souderton community were in Cotes de Fer working to provide the village with clean water. This blog will describe the Souderton community's work with its Haitian sister village. "One person alone cannot rebuild a village, but as a community together we can."

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Trailer Loaded With Love

Wow- what a day we had yesterday. We loaded (and re-loaded) our donated 53' trailer with relief supplies bound for Cotes de Fer, Haiti!

We started out the day with about 30 people all working together- the women made a few more relief kits, then folded and counted blankets, sheets, sleeping bags, sweatshirts, etc., while the men unloaded what had been stored on the trailer, in order to pack it better for the trip

We formed a bucket brigade to load the 435 "Hope in a Bucket" relief kits and then 451 tents, along with food, medical supplies, blankets, etc. and got that trailer all loaded up. It was very emotional to see all that stuff in there! Everyone felt good about things and most of the folks went home, happy that they were part of this adventure.

Then, the trailer was taken to be weighed and we found out we were 1500 lbs. overweight... So, while the excruciating decision was being made what to take off, a few of us pulled out our cell phones and made frantic calls to "re-rally" the troops. We ended up with about 30 people again, but many new faces and new backs!

Once again, items were off-loaded, things removed and then everything else re-loaded. When the last item had been replaced, we all took hands and had a prayer of dedication for the trailer and the items in it, and the trailers doors were closed. This time, the scales showed we were in the acceptable range! Tears flowed, hugs were exchanged, then another trailer was moved into place to hold the items that hadn't fit on this time....but no worries, they will be following very, very soon!

We had a wonderful day of working, singing and praying together and we know that God is going before this trailer to "make the rough places smooth and the crooked places straight"!

This trailer, as of this morning, is on its way to the port in Florida where it will be loaded onto a ship bound for Port au Prince in the middle of this week.

Mission accomplished, "Game Over"? Not by a long shot! We have access to three more trailers and we plan to fill them as well. Relief kits are still being made by local area church groups, donations are still promised from school clubs, businesses are still saving buckets and we are still excited about sending more aid into this devastated country.

We invite you, our community friends, to join our effort. It is very costly to send these items so if you want to donate to our project, you can send money by going to our Facebook page "TENTS FOR HAITI Project Donation Page" and clicking on the "Donate" button, or you can go right to Paypal and send money to tentsforhaiti@ hotmail.com. You can also mail a check made payable in any amount to Souderton Mennonite Church, with "Haiti Relief Fund" on the memo line. Mail it to SMC 105 W. Chestnut St. Souderton PA 18964.

You are also welcome to drop items off at various locations around the area: Indian Valley Public Library, Yours, Mine & Ours Consignment Shop in Telford, Tylersport Post Office, Green Lane Post Office, Double Dipper Deli in Vernfield, Franconia Square Cafe and Market, and of course, Souderton Mennonite Church.
(Email tentsforhaiti@hotmail.com for hours).

Thank you again for your generosity and words of encouragement as we continue to help our brothers and sisters in Haiti!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW, this is such an awesome project. I will be in contact! Thank you for being an inspiration to others!

March 14, 2010 at 5:48 PM  

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There is a 30+ year connection between the Souderton area and the Haitian village of Cotes de Fer. Back in 1963, after Hurricane Flora, people from our area went down to help rebuild the town using block from a local block company. When the earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, 27 members of the Souderton community were in Cotes de Fer, working to provide the village with clean water. This blog will describe the Souderton community's work with its Haitian sister village. "One person alone cannot rebuild a village, but as a community together we can."

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