There is a 30+ year connection between the Souderton area and the Haitian village of Cotes de Fer. When the earthquake struck Haiti in early January, 27 members of the Souderton community were in Cotes de Fer working to provide the village with clean water. This blog will describe the Souderton community's work with its Haitian sister village. "One person alone cannot rebuild a village, but as a community together we can."

Sunday, February 28, 2010

I'm home from church this morning, sitting with my little girl, who has a fever...so today I'm very thankful for children's Tylenol - I know it will help to bring down her fever, make her feel better, and give me some peace of mind.
This really has me thinking about the moms of Cotes de Fer...how must they feel when their children are sick and they have no medicine to give them, no blankets to wrap them in, nothing to do but hope & pray they recover?
That is another thing that is spurring on the TENTS FOR HAITI Project. All of us on the committee are parents, most of us moms, and we want for the moms of Cotes de Fer what we have- the ability to take care of our kids the way we need to.
These children are the future of Haiti and how we respond to the earthquake will set the precedence for how that country is, going forward. We, here in our community, can make a real difference in the lives of the people of Cotes de Fer, who, just by their nature, will "pay it forward" when they are able.
This is not a community of beggars or folks waiting for hand-outs- they are a hard-working, strong, proud people who have had their lives turned upside down through no doing of their own. All they need is a hand up, and as soon as they are back on their feet, they will begin to help others and create change in their area of influence, which will spread outward.
Won't you lend them the hand they so desperately need right now? Rainy season is upon them and with that comes the threat of sickness...we need to keep gathering much needed hygiene items and whatever medical supplies we can get: betadine, acetominophen, hydrogen peroxide, triple anti-biotic ointment, etc., along with blankets & sheets and tarps.
When you are deciding if you can help, look at your child(ren) and then put yourself into the shoes of the people of Cotes de Fer. Wouldn't you pray for someone to see your need and do something about it? I know I would!

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There is a 30+ year connection between the Souderton area and the Haitian village of Cotes de Fer. Back in 1963, after Hurricane Flora, people from our area went down to help rebuild the town using block from a local block company. When the earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, 27 members of the Souderton community were in Cotes de Fer, working to provide the village with clean water. This blog will describe the Souderton community's work with its Haitian sister village. "One person alone cannot rebuild a village, but as a community together we can."

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